
Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

New Year has started!!

Happy New Year!!!! This year beginning with many good news~~

Yabu-kun has entering Waseda Unversity. WAAWW
Inoo Kei is in Meiji University and now Yabu Kota has entering Waseda University?? But I'm not too suprised, because I've think that Yabu is smart from the scratch. Oh my... I think my rivals is increasing again now. Just see, Inoo, Yabu!! I won't lose to you!! Okay, from now on, my target is : 1. Waseda University ; 2.Gadjah Mada University..... YOSHHH GANBARIMASHOU!!!
I hope I have a lecture like him *daydreaming again*

And the MAIN NEWS, Hey!Say!JUMP will held their first Asian Tour in this year. It'll be in Hongkong (3 stages), Taiwan (4 stages), Korea (4 stages), Japan (Yokohama Arena : 13 Stages), and Thailand (3 stages). WHAT???? WHERE'S MY COUNTRY NAME??? *sobbing*. I'm really looking forward to their Asian tour, but I can't find my country's name in the list *sobs*. Okay, I hope it'll be in a DVD, It's their 1st Asian tour, so I think it'll be in DVD.
And I think it took less than 5 second for me to loving Super Delicate's song. I WANT TO SEE THE PERFORMANCEEE.

And today, I found something interesting for me. That's Hey!Say!JUMP's message in Johnny's net.Read it all until you scroll down and found what's in it. I'm sure you're understand what I means. Yes, there's Ryutaro in it. I don't know when the message had publised. But I think it was recently, for the victims of the recently earthquake. But I hope 'his' name that written in it isn't a mistake.

By the way, I'm admiring Daiki's style. I don't know why but I started interest in ulzzang's styles because of it. Thank's God I have a long hair. It makes me easier to tried the hairstyles. I'll try the makeups and things anytime~ *so rare my girls feminine mode : on*

Okay, I'm tired. See you in another new blog post~

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